Hi friends!
Thank you for continuing to pray for me. Although there is so much on my heart to share about faith and life and hope and JESUS- tonight I feel led to simply share an update.
I have not started radiation yet.
This Tuesday, January 19th at 8am I meet with my radiation oncologist for a consultation. This will “get the ball rolling” for my radiation treatments. I hope to get a start date at this appointment on Tuesday, but I know that there are some things to do before I can start (get markings done for where the radiation will be, etc). Last I heard, I will have 7 weeks of radiation, which is 35 treatments (everyday M-F). From what I hear, the radiation side effects are minimal (“a walk in the park compared to chemo” is what a nurse told me). Fatigue which is cumulative, and possible burning of the skin which can be mostly prevented with some skin cream. Each treatment will be 15-20 minutes.
I am ready to get started so I can start checking off the treatments! I am also praying for the people that I will encounter each day at my treatments. Since I will likely go the same time each day for seven weeks straight, I’ll likely see the same people many times. I pray God uses me to be an encouragement, maybe even hear some of the other patients stories and share hope, or even just a smile.
Please pray that God schedules “divine appointments” at my radiation appointments. That is a huge prayer request because in my flesh I feel like so much of my day will be WASTED during these weeks going back and forth from Lexington Medical (in my already full life)- when I lift up my eyes to Jesus, He reminds me that NOTHING is wasted, and my fullest ministry during these weeks may not be from the church or in my home, but rather in the waiting room. Who knows what God has planned. I just pray I’m sensitive to His still small voice.
My hair is growing back. I’m not quite ready for the world to see it yet! It’s SHORT but I’m thankful to have hair again. Hopefully by summer I’ll feel ready for the world to see my new ‘do!
I continue to have herceptin treatments, and will continue until April. These are every three weeks, and target the Her2 protein. There are minimal side effects- usually I’m just very tired on the days surrounding my herceptin infusion.
Most days seem pretty normal these days, for which I’m so thankful. I’m ready to put this chapter behind me,although I want to squeeze every bit of what God wants to teach me through this season. Although I’m tempted to rush to the end of this chapter, I realize that God still has me right here for a reason. I’m thankful for a new year and new mercies!
As I’ve turned the page into a new year, I’ve done quite a bit of reflecting.
Both 2014 and 2015 were major years in my life, in very different ways. If I could summarize these two years of my life, it would be this: “His grace abounds in the scary steps of faith, and His grace abounds in the painful pauses of suffering”.
I look ahead to 2016 and wonder – in what ways will I see His grace abound this year?
I look forward to watching His grace abound in 2016 and beyond.
Thank you for your prayers, and thank you for walking this journey with me!