Hi, I’m Liz Fisher, but most often I’m called “Mom” or “Aunt B.” First and foremost I am a child of God, but I also am wife to Jon, mother to the couslings, and daughter of wonderful parents (who became “Lolli” and “Pop” back in 2010). I worked in supply chain management for almost fifteen years, but recently resigned to help with all of the transition. I’m looking forward to seeing where the Lord leads me in this next chapter.
I have known Brooke Turner for my whole entire life. For the first half of my life, we were generally thought of as a pair: “the Arnold girls.” As we grew and began our own separate lives and families, Brooke remained my best friend, my biggest prayer warrior, and spiritual mentor, even as she walked through the deepest suffering. We all miss her presence here greatly, but continue to cling to the eternal hope in our living God that she taught us so much about. It is a privilege to be raising the Turner children alongside our own.
We are so blessed by our family, friends, church, and community near and far who have covered us with prayer, encouragement, and acts of service. Thank you for walking with us on this journey and reading the words God is placing on my heart.