Thank You Lord, for another year of life; another year on the journey.
Thank you for beginning the year with my love in my favorite city, spending precious time together and getting snowed in an extra day. Thank You for that pink handbag I felt so surprisingly inclined to purchase on that trip. It was a frivolous purchase, and pink never was my favorite color. But You knew, even in those moments that there was a cancer growing within that would forever tie me to the color pink.
Thank You for the blessing of watching my three blessings grow and thrive. Thank you for loving them more than I do, and for writing their story… Even through the hard chapters.
Thank you for big scary white machines. It was that machine that helped discover I was sick… Very sick. Thank you that we discovered the cancer before it spread to any major organs. Thank You for the gift of life, even if this new normal includes frequent scans with the scary white machine.
Thank you for the precious family photos taken by a dear friend… Photos that will help me remember I had once had long hair. And thank You Lord that that long hair no longer defines me.
Thank You, Lord for chemo. It’s side effects were horrific, but it gave provided me the chance to watch my littles grow big, and hold hands with my hubby as we grow old together.
Thank You for Your Word; Your promises; Your Hope in scripture. It was and is my lifeline- the bedrock of my life.
Thank You for my precious Justin-for his presence at every chemo, his unwavering support. Thank you for that look of affection as our eyes met when my newly shaven hair fell to the floor. I will never forget it.
Thank You for the Body of Christ, who prayed for me, babysat my children, fed our family meals, kept me company in chemo, sent me gifts and cards for encouragement. They were Your hands and feet in my time of need. Thank You, especially, for the gift of a precious set of high school girls who walked with me and loved me so well. They teach me so much.
Thank You for family– my immediate and extended. Thank You for ties that bind, cousins to play with and memories made. Thank You for all the ways you provided through my family. Thank You for another Christmas to spend together.
Mostly, Lord, I thank You for your faithfulness in ALL things. I thank You that Your plans are perfect, and You do all things well. Even a life turned topsy turvy by cancer … Nothing is wasted. Thank You for drawing me deeper into Your loving arms in 2015, and for opening my hands wider in surrender. Thank you for teaching me more about being fearless and abandoned for you, on the highest mountain, and darkest valley.
You answered my prayer – You taught me, and are teaching me, what it looks like to be an extravagant worshipper. Worship is best learned in the wilderness, and I thank You for the dark wilderness chapters of my story, where Your light shines brightest.
Your grateful daughter,
Brooke, The grace you have shown over this past year has been a wonderful example of what it means to live the life of a Godly Lady.
God has big things in store for you as you continue to live Proverbs 3: 5-6.
May God Bless You and Your Family Always.
Prayers and Love, Gloria