Earlier this week a friend and fellow breast cancer survivor, Angela McCall, posted an article on facebook entitled “The most overlooked characteristic of who you want to marry”. The article stated that the most overlooked characteristic is the ability to suffer well with your spouse. It inspired a letter to my love. CLICK HERE for the article that inspired this blog post
My love,
I knew that first night, almost twelve years ago, that you were the one. We met on a Fall evening on my parent’s porch, and I was immediately drawn to the ease by which you carried yourself. Self assured, but not too-much so. It was if we had known each other for years.
You had little hope in our relationship (being the practical one), as I was living in Europe at the time, but me, being the hopeless romantic knew I’d move anywhere, do anything, if you were “the one”.
That’s exactly what happened. From Austria to Atlanta and finally back to Columbia, the place I never thought I’d call home again.
Eighteen months after we met that warm October night, we were married.
It was one of the happiest nights of my life.
I couldn’t wait to spend forever with you.
We’ve been through a lot together in these first ten years of marriage. You supported me unwaveringly as I left a corporate career to start my own business. Infertility. Three babies in 19 months. You’ve been my steady ship.
And now, my love, cancer has rocked our world. I am amazed at you. You’ve been there, in the big and small ways. You’re amazing with the kids. You’ve held my hand, taken over housework, and even fed me like a little bird when I couldn’t hold my head up. You tell me I’m beautiful, even with no hair. And I truly believe you mean it.
I’m so SO thankful that the Lord chose YOU to be by my side through this suffering. I must admit, this was not a characteristic I looked for in a mate. But God knew. He hand picked you for me, knowing what was ahead. And I’m so thankful.
Watching you love me and serve me is a picture of the Gospel. I come to you, empty handed – nothing to give but a broken, needy woman. And you ….you lavish love, support, encouragement over me. And you do it WITH JOY.
The love we share is too deep for words, and even this attempt feels to shallow to express what I feel. You’re truly, the one my soul loves.
Prayers for this week:
-PRAISE my amazing sister is here with me again until Wednesday to help with the children through these rough days. I love this time with her and cherish it even under these circumstances
-Pray that I’m able to eat without my stomach being upset too much. I can’t get as “down and out” as I did last time when I couldn’t eat!
-Pray that the children enjoy their half day camp at the YMCA in our neighborhood that they are starting tomorrow
-Pray I can REST in the Lord – He’s teaching me a lot about this these days
-Pray I fight with JOY and can see God’s new mercies each day, even through these days of feeling really bad
Thank you for praying and thank you for journeying with me.