Two months have passed since I saw the familiar number appear on my iPhone. It was a few days earlier than I expected, which I had been told wasn’t a good sign. Hearing the news early usually means the radiologist saw something glaringly wrong; the oncologist needs to see you quickly.
I heard my voice quiver as I answered. Myra, my dear chemo nurse delivered the news: NO EVIDENCE OF DISEASE!!
Those four words were the words I’d been longing to hear for the last thirteen long months since I got the OTHER call- the call on April 21 informing me of my disease.
Time marches on; we’re now in summer. The days stretch out like an endless blanket- hot and sticky, smelling of sunscreen and sounding like children’s laughter. One of the beautiful gifts of going through such a horrific year, is the hyper-gratitude that blows through my heart for normal, everyday life.
The quiet pockets of these summer days contain priceless treasures. Time to sit with bible and journal before me, and let the Lord meander me through His Word with no agenda, and whisper His love-song to my soul.
His love song sings the song of sunrise.
The sunrise of a new season.
A season of redemption.
“Who am I, Sovereign LORD, and what is my family, that you have brought me this far?” 2 Samuel 7:18
Praise the Lord!!! You’ve been on my heart so often the past few weeks. Much love friend!
Much love back, sweet friend! Yes! Praise Him!
I am thankful that you’re getting back to being “you”, Brooke…… Loving life, your children, the family life you have carved out, and YES, studying His word, journaling and hopefully, still taking those great shots with your camera! You have been through so much and you appreciate your time here on earth. Thanks be to God! I know He has great things in store for you!
You are so sweet to continue to keep up with me, Debbie! I think of your family with a smile! Please give Tracy a hug from me!
How beautiful to be able to celebrate with you in my heart, soul, and mind as I begin my devotional time this morning! So thankful for all the Lord has done in and through your life over the past year. Thank you for sharing!
I am grateful for how you and so many others have carried me in prayer, Mrs. Judy!
Gratitude beyond words for God’s goodness over and within you throughout your journey, dearest Brooke!!
Praises to our gracious God!!
Love you dearly,
I love you Maria!!
To God be the glory great things He has done!!!!!!!
YES!! To Him be the Glory!!
Thank you Lord!! I’m so glad to hear such great news Brooke!
Thank you for sharing in my joy !:)
God’s GRACE does indeed ABOUND! Praises to Him!!
Yes – Him alone!
Brooke, I am Ginny Sanderson . You were in school and church with my children. I was so sorry to find out that you were sick. I met Anne from your Focus group in exercise class. Many nights I read your blog being so encouraged, enjoying hearing how you were feeling God’s presence every day. Your story is such a great testimony. I am so delighted to read your good news. Our God is so very gracious; I loved your platform and have had the decal on my car for a long time. Every time I see it around town I think of you.
Hi Mrs Sanderson! Thank you for reaching out and for having a “His Grace Abounds” decal on your car! This journey has been incredibly difficult, but I have seen God move in incredible ways. I am so thankful for those early seeds planted at SVBC which God watered to root me in the faith. I could not have sustained this storm any other way. His grace, truly, abounds! Hope to see you around town sometime!