I miss her already. Somehow, by the grace of God and a really supportive husband (thanks Jon-boy!), Elizabeth arranged to return again from Houston to be here for me during the side-effects of my second chemo, and to help around the house and with the kids. I’m so grateful for the time we shared, despite the circumstances. She is amazing and I will always cherish these days in my heart. My kids absolutely LOVED their time with “silly Aunt Bea” (long explanation behind the name ;); it warmed my heart to see their relationship grow even deeper. We did have some fun and laughs too! We even had a facial night. I am so thankful for my sister! I’m posting (with permission) her next “Prayer from a sister’s heart” because I’m celebrating the sweet bond we share, that spans far beyond miles! Love you sis!!
Click here to read the first edition of “From a Sister’s Heart”
written by Liz Fisher
Today is Monday and I have work on the brain. After a long, tough weekend, the mundane routine of work was almost welcome. Mundane Monday. So my specific thoughts and prayers today have been about work. I struggle daily, hourly with the sacrifices we make to live where and how we live and provide for our family. I miss getting to know the other moms at preschool dropoff. I miss playdates. I miss Women’s Bible Studies. I miss sweet one-on-one times with each of my children. The list goes on. And there’s always a whisper in the back of my mind asking “It is worth it..?”
But my thoughts today weren’t dwelling on our decision and my work. 8 years ago, you worked a similar job as mine. But through seeking the Lord, you heard the call that you were meant to change paths. You and Justin sacrificed to do that, too. But for that sacrifice you had the opportunity to impact hundreds of lives through bible studies, photography, and deep friendships. Then you were able to spend 4 years at home with your children as a Godly mother. And finally in this most recent chapter, the Lord has placed you in a job where the daughter that he has so perfectly formed can be a light to countless women through sharing your journey of faith. I have specifically prayed today that you would have wisdom and peace about managing your job in the coming months.
You give things your all. But so does God. He began a good work in you, and He will be faithful to complete it (Phil 1:6). So I pray today that as you did 8 years ago, you can feel the guiding hand of the Lord to make decisions on how to manage your job through this time. I urge you to listen to advice of other who have taken similar journeys, but mostly seek the Lord, from whose mouth comes wisdom and understanding (Prov 2:6).
(From Brooke) I’m so grateful for these very specific prayers. It is clear that the Lord was guiding and directing my sister’s prayers, weeks before I started treatment. This is such a reminder to me that PRAYER MATTERS!! (And also why I personally love journalling my prayers and encourage others to do the same because it is clear to see where God answers!) Im happy to share how God answered my sister’s prayers.
After my first treatment, after much prayer and seeking wise council, we made the difficult but necessary decision for me to take a temporary leave of absence from my position as Director of Women’s Ministries throughout my treatment. The pastors and staff of NEPC have been incredibly supportive and gracious and I’m so thankful for the love, support, and encouragement our family has been extended by this beautiful Body of Christ. This summer is a summer of healing and Season of Sabbath and the Lord is using it to grow me in deeper ways than He ever could without cancer. I’m especially thankful that during my “up” times I can focus on my family and children and make special memories with them. God answers prayer! I cannot wait to jump “back in the saddle” after this cancer chapter has been closed. I know this chapter will forever change me, as a woman of God, a wife, a mother, and in ministry.
God is LOVE and you and family are a perfect example for everyone to see how it works in the best of times and in the worst of times. My prays are with you all. Thanks for your beautiful lives.