More Questions; God knows the Answers

“Team Turner”, Thanksgiving 2016


THANK YOU, for following my “divine adventure” through breast cancer again. {CLICK HERE to read about my divine adventure through breast cancer a second time} I continue to draw much strength from your words of encouragement. I must say, and will continue to say — all glory to God. This is HIS story, and the prayer of my heart is that you would “see through” me and see Him. I’m simply His chosen instrument.
Yesterday was a day of twists and turns, as I met with my current oncologist, Dr. Stilwell at Lexington Oncology.   I returned home and my head was spinning with all that we heard, which only produced more questions than answers.  I had to fight for joy last night, but after a good night’s rest (thank you Lord), His mercies are new this morning. 
What we learned yesterday:
ANSWERED PRAYER– there is no concern of “distant disease” (not in distant organs).
There is one area that is inconclusive so I am repeating the PET scan on Saturday at 10am.
As Dr. Stillwell went through the pathology of this disease line by line with me, it was evident that it completely BAFFLED both her and the pathologist. She suggested a research hospital, and that confirmed our leading to begin the process to get into MD Anderson from the first day of diagnosis.
ANSWERED PRAYER– That God led us in that direction and the ball is already rolling; confirmation in that decision
My dear friend/mentor/sister-in-Christ Maria Currey will be helping by getting the prayer requests and answers to prayer out quickly. We are figuring out the best way to do that. For now, here are the prayer requests.  I’ll write posts on some of these to elaborate more.  


My sweet sister Liz (I call her “Elizabeth”) 🙂 had a very profound thought she shared with me this morning.  I’ll copy and paste it here: “I think it is no coincidence that what you are facing may not be able to be explained by doctors or science as it is a battle that is happening also outside of the flesh.  The beautiful thing is that we know how that battle ends every time.  God wins!”


I’ve asked the Lord whether He wants me to take this journey publicly, as I did the last journey.   One night I  prayed and placed even this at His feet, as I did not want to assume that He wanted me to write through this.  I sensed Him shouting YES.


As I said before – I believe this is a call for prevailing prayer.  I need as many people praying for me as possible.  There is POWER in PRAYER.  If you’ve walked with Jesus for any time, you’ve experienced this.  We need to pray boldly and specifically, and then marvel at His marvelous works.  Let’s open our eyes to see the miracles all along the way, as God and God alone gets all the glory!


If you are interested in learning more about prayer, I suggest two great books~ “Prayer” by Timothy Keller and “A Praying Life” by Paul Miller.


THANK YOU again, for praying, for writing, and for caring.  You’re a part of what God is doing here….thank you for being my traveling companions on this divine adventure.  God is good, He has a plan.

Yes, there are more questions than answers at this point.  If I let my mind run away with me, I would get so overwhelmed.  I remind myself of the truth (and others remind me) that GOD knows the answers.  He’s a good good Father.

My job: TRUST HIM.  

“Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.” Psalm 20:7

~that we get an appt with MD Anderson soon (still waiting)
~God to go before us for logistics of our travel and stay in Houston, whenever it happens
~God’s perfect timing of our travel to Houston (especially around Christmas)
-crystal clear scan on Saturday
~For sweet memories with loved ones at Christmas; that Satan would not steal any of my JOY at Christmas or in the weeks ahead
~For God’s miraculous healing of my body
~Wisdom, clarity, open doors for where to be treated; if it be God’s will that we would get an appointment at MD Anderson very soon
~If I am assigned to a new oncologist, that he/she would be a Christian; who seeks and knows God and prays with me; also praying BOLDLY that the oncologist would be one that supports fighting cancer with nutrition in addition to the “medical weapons” 
~proper diagnosis & effective treatment plan
~pray for continued self control in my new “battle diet”
~Hope, Peace, & Joy in the midst for our family (“Team Turner” and my parents, sister, aunts, grandmother, in laws, etc) as we continue to process this news
~That my children – Samuel (age 6), Selah (age 6) and Hannah (age 4) are wrapped in a cocoon of grace and they would not feel the harmful effects of this journey; but only see the good that is coming out of it
~pray for Justin, my husband, for perseverance as my closest companion and “earthly rock” on this journey
~To glorify God through this trial
~praying for people to come to know Jesus through this; beauty from ashes