One month ago I told Justin “goodbye; I love you” when he left for a bike ride and he never came home. My heart aches more than words can express. A month later it hurts differently. Today I smiled to myself about a funny inside joke we shared. I miss his laughter, his embrace, his whistling, his socks on the floor.
In the midst of still raw grief, I’m asking the Lord to help me not miss the good. My sister Liz, her husband Jon, and their three children completely uprooted their amazing life in Florida (10 min from the beach) to move to Columbia to support me and the children. This is a picture of sacrificial love. It’s a picture of what it means to love well. I’m grateful beyond words. .
As Liz posted yesterday, God is doing a new thing, and showing us those streams in the wilderness.
“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”
Isaiah 43:19 @lizfishersc .
#lookforthegood #hisgracestillabounds #streamsinthedesert #fisherturnercousins
Brooke’s Facebook post from 9/26/18
September 26, 2018 by ·