Thank you for praying for us today. We felt your prayers and God answered by giving us peace. The medical results were not what we hoped- the lung and sternum spots appear to be active again and grew a little bit. As Dr Layman says “this isn’t dire” but she recommends a change in treatment because she believes I’ve become resistant to Xeloda and suggests I start Ixempra, an infusion treatment, soon. It’s every 3 weeks. Our hope is steadfast even in disappointment because our Hope is in the only One who numbers my days, not medical ups & downs. However, we are processing this news- disappointed and shocked especially in light of how great I’m feeling -but we both have a peace which we know is from the Lord and through your prayers. We are grateful for your continued love and support ❤️ headed home.. can’t wait to give my children a big hug.
“For my life He bled and died
Christ will hold me fast
Justice has been satisfied
He will hold me fast
Raised with Him to endless life
He will hold me fast
Till our faith is turned to sight
When he comes at last.
He will hold me fast.
He will hold me fast.
For my Savior loves me so,
He will hold me fast.” (The Gettys)