Dear praying friends,
The journey continues…The PET scan showed cancerous activity in my left lymph nodes and a biopsy confirmed. Thankfully the left breast and right side are all clear. (Right breast and all right nodes were surgically removed in June 2017). A small spot in my right lung lit up and a small spot in my sternum. Doctors suspect the sternum and lung spots are inflammation from radiation which is common (and not cancer). To confirm the sternum and lung are not cancer I had a CT scan which will get a more accurate look at these areas. I’ll get results next week.
The first way to attack this will be chemo, once the detailed pathology report comes back with the specific markers which will determine the best treatment plan.
Justin and I are shocked, disappointed, devastated. Specifically the thought of chemo again is difficult news! But God is holding us fast. By His grace, we do not lose heart! Although circumstances are not at all what we would have chosen, we have confidence that God will continue to provide ALL that we need even through the valley of suffering…Especially through the valley of suffering. It brings me great comfort to know that although this is a surprise to us, it is not a surprise to our unchanging God. Although we do not understand, we are called to trust Him; not to lean on our own understanding but in all our ways acknowledge Him and He will make our paths straight (Proverbs 3:5-6). We are confident in God’s goodness, even through tears.
The words of the song in the video have ministered to me deeply- especially John Piper’s spoken word in the middle of the song.
I’m sure there will be more words from me as we process this news, but for now please know how grateful we are to have your love and prayers with us on this journey.
Praises- no distant disease; that I was able to get a CT scan Thursday afternoon so we can still get home for Christmas celebrations with family
Pray- that the CT scan reveals that the spots on sternum and lung are not cancer! Pray for the Lord to be near to me and my family as we process this news. Pray for a joy filled Christmas overflowing with the hope of Christ: Emmanuel, God with us